Another School Shooting: What to Do if Your (or any) Child Tells You They’re Scared.

St. Johns, MI.  Seattle, WA.  Denison, TX.  Sierra Vista, AZ.  San Bernardino, CA.  Marshall, TX.  Winston-Salem, NC.  Italy, TX.  Gentilly, LA.  Benton, KY.  Mobile, AL.  Dearborn, MI.  Philadelphia, PA.  Los Angeles, CA.  Oxon Hill, MD.  Maplewood, MN.  New York, NY.  Parkland, FL.


Each city represents a school shooting that has occurred in the first 45 days of 2018. This list was compiled by Everytown for Gun Safety, which keeps track of anytime a gun is fired inside a school building or on campus.

The most recent on the list is Parkland, FL, and happened yesterday. No doubt you’ve seen coverage on the news, online, and probably on your Facebook newsfeed.  Your kids (or kids you interact with) have also likely seen it.  And they’re asking questions. They’re scared. They want to make sure it’s safe to back to their school.

And you have no idea how to answer their questions or help them deal with their feelings. 


As common as these events seem to have become, it didn’t used to be like this. It wasn’t a common occurrence to turn on the news and learn about another shooting incident at a school.   So it’s okay that we still don’t know how exactly to talk about it. Especially to our kiddos.

Thankfully, the National Association for School Psychologists has a great resource to help adults (parents, teachers, aunts, uncles, mentors, ANYONE!) learn how to approach the conversation or answer questions as they come up.

The first is a bit more detailed: Talking_To_Children_About_Violence.  I’d recommend reading this one first. It gives a few more explanations along with the tips provide, and it’s only 2 pages!

The second is an infographic with quick tips:  Talking_to_Children_About_Violence_Infographic_FINAL.  Scan this one if you’re short on time, or use it as a visual to share with others.

Remember, it’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay for you (and your kids) to feel how you feel. And its okay to reach out if either of you are having trouble dealing with it.  


Be well & take care of yourself.


17047 El Camino Real, STE 215
Houston, TX 77058

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