I often times talk to my clients about authorship. Who has been in charge of writing their stories? For many, the circumstances of their lives have held the ink pen, making them feel like they had little to no control over even the smallest parts of their lives. The feeling of lacking any sort of control can lead to a cycle of anxiety and depression, unhealthy ways of dealing with things, and sometimes making decisions we later regret, re-creating this cycle over and over.
One of the best things I get to see as a therapist is what happens when people learn that their past can become a chapter rather than the entire story, and that they can become the writer rather than the reader. The fog that has surrounded them begins to clear as they begin to use the pen and take back control.
You can do this, too. By taking charge, you’ll feel stronger and more empowered, and can begin chipping away at the cycle of negative thoughts and regrettable choices. By choosing to write your own story, you get to choose happiness, freedom, strength, and clarity.
So, today is page 1 in a new chapter. What will you write for yourself this year? How does it begin, and how do you take back control?