How often have you seen this floating around Facebook? Well, it’s sort of perfect timing, because I’ve had a conversation about creating our own happiness with several clients recently. “I just want to be happy!” I can’t tell you how many times I hear this. When I reply with something like, “Well, what have you done lately to help you get there?,” I get a mix of reactions, as you can probably imagine.
The truth is, as much as we wish that we could just wake up, or snap our fingers, and it would magically be there, happiness is something we have to work for. That doesn’t sound very fun, does it? Well, it’s not. At least it’s not at first. But when we actively engage in thoughts and behaviors that make us feel hopeful, confident, and satisfied… BOOM! Happiness!
Now, happiness means different things for different folks. For me, it often means that I have to decide to focus only on today. It can be so easy to worry about everything that hasn’t happened yet, all the things I need to do, and of course, all the things that might go wrong. Trust me, this does not make me happy. I’ve had to learn that if I can focus on today, on taking care of what I need to in the here and now, and if I can take care of myself by engaging in healthy self-care activities like reading, meditating, and walking my dog, then I can be the master of my own happiness.
Okay, now it’s your turn. What have you done lately to create your own version of happiness? Let me know by sharing below!